The image shows a person wearing pink gloves and holding a blue device, possibly an ultrasonic cleaning tool, in front of a white background with various items that could be laboratory equipment.

Laser Dentistry


One of the significant advances in modern dentistry has been the development of dental laser technology. Today, dental lasers are being increasingly used to treat tooth decay, periodontal disease, perform biopsies or the removal of oral lesions, to cure restorative (filling) materials, as well as to activate in-office teeth whitening systems.

Dental lasers combine laser energy with water and air to safely cut and shape target soft or hard tissues in the mouth. Laser energy precisely cuts through tooth structure by exciting the water molecules in the tooth. It operates without direct contact to the tooth without heat, vibration, or pressure thereby minimizing the discomfort of the procedure and the need for dental anesthesia. In addition dental lasers can reduce anxiety for patients fearful of dental work, minimize post-operative bleeding and swelling, and preserve healthy tooth structure during the removal of decay.

In our office, we use the CO2 laser to treat periodontal disease. The laser beam kills bacteria in its path, producing a sanitizing effect. Laser therapy reduces the risk of infection, causes less bleeding, and produces less swelling than traditional surgery. While traditional surgery may still be indicated for severely advanced periodontal cases, laser therapy is a much more conservative, effective and comfortable option for beginning to moderate periodontal cases. If you suffer from bleeding or receding gums, don’t wait to get help. Laser therapy is a gentle and effective treatment that can be performed in an hour or less.

A dentist and patient in a dental office, with the dentist smiling at the camera.

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